Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The color of the motion picture.

Have you ever watched a movie in the afternoon and come outside to realise that whilst you were lost in a story time had passed and night had arrived. Movies have the ability to transport a viewer to another place and this is all achieved through excellence in many areas including directing, acting or simply, a good story told well.

The color of the motion picture is dictated by concept artists and the cinematographer/s and they determine the look and feel of a film visually. They are in charge of the camera and lighting crews and work in conjuction with a director to make a movie look right in accordance with the atmosphere required in the scene.

This blog showcases some of the most visually arresting movies' color bibles and highlights just how beautiful movies can be when viewed in pictures.
At the bottom are custom color palettes that were inspired by the film which can be an excellent resource for those in the illustration fields and beyond.

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